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My name is Simone and I am an accredited and registered Science Teacher with about 18 years experience and currently working at a school in Sydney, Australia. 

I am also a 420-hour certified Yoga Teacher, registered with Yoga Australia, with a focus on mental health and meditation. 

I am passionate about combining the wisdom of neuroscience and yoga philosophy to empower and inspire students, educators and school communities to do more than just survive or 'get by' but ultimately thrive, by unlocking new and healthy ways of living a good, balanced life.

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My Story

I have worked in diagnostic and research labs for about 10 years before retraining as a Science teacher. I have enjoyed working at a range of comprehensive as well as academically selective schools over the past 18 years. I eventually found my way to yoga, which significantly helped me manage my stress (work + life) and health (physical + mental) so much better than I had done in the past. This led me to complete a 350hr Yoga Teacher Training course and subsequently developed an interest in the benefits of Yoga for Mental Health as well as Yoga Therapy. I eagerly completed a few more courses that further developed my knowledge in this area. With this new-found knowledge along with experiencing the effect of the Covid pandemic on the well-being of students and teachers alike, I felt inspired to pass on this knowledge to as many people as possible. My mission is to reduce stress and increase the health and well-being in all school communities. I offer classes, workshops and presentations that combine the wisdom of neuroscience and yoga philosophy. My goal is to empower students, teachers and school communities to reduce chronic stress and increase awareness, compassion and mindfulness so that all may reap the benefits of this practice.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

+61 410918440

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